ROHEI was invited to participate in e2i's 10th Anniversary Celebrations as part of a showcase of how e2i partners are inspiring the workforce for the future.
ROHEI was invited to set up at the e2i 10th Anniversary Celebrations last July 27 at the Devan Nair Institute, to showcase how e2i partners are inspiring the workforce for the future. We were privileged to have a number of distinguished guests drop by for a visit including the Guest-of-Honour, Mr Ng Chee Meng, Secretary-General for NTUC; Mr Chan Heng Kee, Chairman of e2i; and Mr Ang Hin Kee, Past CEO of e2i. We set up a portion of our eScape Room experience to show how technology-enabled experiential learning can help less tech savvy workers feel at ease with learning about cybersecurity and discover how technology is transforming the workplace.
Our VP Karen Chan taking Mr Ng Chee Meng, Secretary-General for NTUC, through our eScape Room learning experience
Mr Kao Beng Lee, Executive Director of Singapore Professionals and Executives Co-operative Limited (SPEC), chatting with ROHEI's Senior Consultant Joel Mok and Deputy CE Praise Mok, at our booth
Mr Foo Hee Jug, Deputy CE of NUHS and CEO of Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, being welcomed to our booth by ROHEI VP Karen Chan