Our Latest Insights

Who We Are
Founded in 2007, we have worked with over 100,000 workers from more than 450 organisations across a wide breadth of industries.
At ROHEI, our focus is on strengthening key relationships at the workplace by providing solutions from our heritage of designing and delivering transformative experiences blended with education technology.

Multi-modal Learning Design
Designed to be highly engaging in both remote and face to face programmes, our learning experiences incorporate peer discussions, emotive and even tactile elements for learning to be dynamic, rich, and memorable. This ensures learning is caught, not just taught.

Authentic and Relational Team
Our facilitators and coaches have the courage to be vulnerable, creating an emotionally safe environment for deep reflection and learning. We believe in radical hospitality and going the extra mile to make every person feel valued.

Co-creation of Solutions
Deep dialogue with clients and stakeholder engagement give us insight into the underlying issues and relational dynamics at play. This allows for targeted and meaningful facilitation, relational reconciliation and greater workplace impact.
Why Choose Us


Wen Wei and team were great facilitators. They managed the process and eased us from a non threatening Icebreaker, through a clay work exercise, and to eventually opening up and sharing our aspirations and dreams as individuals, and our challenges at the workplace. The process they helped create provided for a safe space for authentic sharing, conversations, and started the process of healing and rebuilding of trust.
Deputy Chief Executive
Singapore Statutory Board
We noted that ROHEI is able to tailor the Emerging Leaders program to suit and make relevant to the competencies required of being a leader. The approach of combining role plays, coaching and skills practice works for them. Also, the trainers are able to build trusted relationship with the trainees which helps in accelerating their learning.